About Us

Corthos Capital, established in 2023, is a blockchain venture capital fund with a mission to provide investors with secure access to both innovative and established blockchain platforms.

“We are dedicated to safeguarding our investors’ assets while actively nurturing the growth of the platforms we invest in.”

Our Approach

At Corthos Capital we employ a fundamental value investing approach to evaluate and identify blockchains that are well positioned within the industry and can generate attractive risk-adjusted returns.

We leverage our team’s deep experience and extensive network to thoroughly assess and access the leading blockchain infrastructure projects for investment.

For blockchains we support, we will work closely with their foundation, invest and stake their native token and be active participants in their governance votes.

Corthos Capital’s Core Ethos is



We believe in complete transparency, and provide our investors with visibility into our approach and transactions, ensuring open and honest communication

Research-Driven Approach

Our investment process is rigorous and research-driven, focused on identifying value-oriented opportunities in Blockchain Infrastructure platforms through a bottom-up approach.

Uncompromising Security

Our institutionalized, regulated infrastructure is designed to provide uncompromising security to protect our clients’ assets

Seasoned Investors and Operators

Our team has over 30+ years of experience in both traditional finance and the blockchain industry, providing a wealth of knowledge and expertise. We have been through ups and downs, and have the experience to navigate any market conditions.

Traditional Structure

Well-established traditional closed-end fund structure with an experienced team 

Corthos Capital’s Edge

We combine value investing discipline with blockchain operations experience to identify the most promising blockchain infrastructure investments

Experienced Crypto Operators

Extensive experience setting up and managing DAOs, validator nodes, regulated and compliant DEXs, and launching crypto projects on different blockchains.

Diverse & Experienced Advisors

We have the support of top advisors with expertise in different verticals to help source, assess and support our blockchain investment portfolio.

Traditional Finance Experience

We find high-quality investment opportunities through a rigorous bottom-up fundamental analysis approach developed through 30+ years of traditional and crypto investing experience.

Advanced Risk Management

We have a comprehensive framework for monitoring and mitigating risk in our portfolio, drawing on our expertise in traditional finance and early crypto investments.

Best-in-Class Infrastructure

Having built regulated and compliant DEXs gives us insight into setting up top-notch infrastructure to ensure investors’ assets are safe and secure.

Platform EcoSystem

Our economies of scale and relationships with service providers enable us to offer resources and support to the foundations / companies of the tokens in our investment portfolio.

Extensive Network (Deal Sourcing)

Relationships with blockchain foundations and developers give us a range of knowledge and expertise that helps us identify investment opportunities quickly and effectively.


Virgil Chan

PE Investor / Value Investor

Virgil is an experienced investor with a strong focus on fundraising, deal structuring, investment research / analysis, and portfolio company management. He possesses a robust network and comprehensive investing experience, having worked in Investment Banking, Private Equity, Asset Management, and Fund of Funds before making a transition into the blockchain industry

Jayant Ramanand

Blockchain Expert / Operator

Jayant is an early adopter of crypto. With key experiences designing and operating PoS Infrastructure, DeFi native protocols, token governance, and institutional crypto custody, Outside the daily crypto grind, he creates educational content empowering users towards the next wave of blockchain adoption

Ada Tam

Accounting / Finance / Operation

Ada is a highly accomplished professional with a CPA, MBA and LLM, whose career spans traditional corporate firms and top crypto companies. Ada is capable of overseeing and directing a wide variety of key financial operations and business operations, she is also able to perform research and analysis into various crypto, finance and accounting-related areas.

Alex Kohlmann

Investment Banking / VC Investor

Alex is a seasoned investment professional focusing on digital assets, having served as the Executive Director and Digital Assets Investment Lead at Nomura / Laser Digital in HK.
In addition to making investments, his role involved comprehensive research in cryptocurrency, stablecoins, DeFi, and NFTs. Alex started his career in investment banking at Merrill Lynch.

Contact Us

20/F, Soho House, 33 DVRW,
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Email: info@corthoscapital.com